
Integrated Multimedia System for Law-making Assembly Halls

Eurel Informatica SpA, the European pioneer in the sector, produces Electronic Voting Systems from the time it was founded, claiming an expertise and background developed over years of supplying systems for the European Parliament, Italian Parliament and many other local institutions.

The long-standing Company Knowledge of how the different Assemblies work ensures that the products supplied will fully meet the functional requirements of our Purchasers.

The ongoing supply of systems and services to major Parliaments has placed special attention on our products to meet their imperative functional, guarantee requirements.

The line of products of the Eurel Informatica specifically target the great attention paid to functional security and certainty, being a fundamental conditional to ensure the results of votes cast via Electronic Voting Systems. The main principle that rules the design, implementation and assistance for electronic voting systems is that a vote may change the history of a country and that any system malfunctioning may become food for the journalists and create a commission of inquiry.

Our powerful, secure systems are endowed with versatility and an abundance of features offered by a modular, scalable, application system that can be extended on the basis of the specific requirements of the Purchaser.

In practice, Eurel solutions are the result of a combination of the parts of the system designed and developed ad hoc to in compliance with the rules and updated to the latest generation.

The offer of the Eurel Informatica is fully focused on the platform of products which all together make up the Multimedia Integrated System for Law-making Assemblies.

The system automates and meets all the requirements arising from Assemblies taking into consideration all the service requirements needed for an appropriate instrumental, procedural automation tool for all the typical phases of debating, decision-taking, rendering and publishing of the institutional acts performed.

Eurel Informatica SpA develops its solutions together with its partners, including Interact SpA for network and publishing solutions and Write System for remote rendering transcriptions and with the support of its own technologic suppliers who, in collaboration with Eurel laboratories, develop ever new, innovative solutions.

The Integrated Multimedia System for Law-making mainly comprise the following Subsystems: Electronic Voting systems of the Parliamentary type, Computerized Sound Systems, Speaker Management, Videorecording, Multimedia, Simultaneous Translation, Session streaming.

The different sections are connected to each other by a high-speed local communications network that guarantees data safety and protection.

The ongoing dialogue between all the devices in the network ensures dynamic diagnostics able to punctually signal any eventual malfunctioning, automatically recovering the correct operation of the device involved.

All operations and events can be managed by the operator via the Main System Unit or by the Chairman via the management console.

The advantages of the Multimedia Integrated System follow:

  • Data safety;
  • High-speed performance (up to 10 votes per minute);
  • Complete printed reports of all the information related to each single vote;
  • Easy management of the various session steps;
  • Transparency in organizing Assembly activities;
  • Simple management of debating activities by limiting speaking times;
  • Digital audio/video recording together with a complete intervention indexing;
  • High level of tailor-made management software to meet all requirements.
  • Votazione elettronica

    Electronic voting of the Parliamentary type

    To check those attending, simple open and nominal voting, secret ballots and voting called by name in the hall

  • Sistema di Gestione degli oratori

    Requesting speaking and debating times

    For full data and debate management.

  • Sistema Audio

    Complete Public Address System

    Integrated into the electronic voting system and provided with devices selected from major brands on the world marketplace.

  • Sistema di Traduzione Simultanea

    Available up to 32 languages

    Simultaneous digital translation is implemented both via wireless technology and customary wiring.

  • Videoverbalizzazione

    The Assembly Hall TV system

    To document and communicate in total transparency.

  • Multimedia

    The Audio/Video and Data network

    For public and press viewing of Assembly Hall information.

  • Streaming delle sedute

    VideoAssembly on Internet

    The streaming of Sessions enables broadcasting sessions onto web both live and on demand.

  • Console di Presidenza

    The President's console enables an intuitive management of all the various session phases.

  • Terminale integrato multifunzione

    The multifunction integrated terminal, one for each Assembly member, offers various advantages.

  • Sistemi di visualizzazione

    Eurel has various outputs available for distributing and displaying information.

  • Tessera di Riconoscimento

    Eurel bases its performance and safety philosophy on identifying Assembly Members who have been assigned an Electronic Identity Badge.

  • Finger Print

    The safety and certification of the Electronic Voting System is guaranteed by all the available devices targeting the identification of the Voter.

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