• European Parliament

    Electronic Voting System in Brussels and Strasbourg

    Eurel Informatica SpA was the Company chosen by the European Parliament.

  • Parlamento Albanese


    The Albanian Parliament represents a major success for Eurel.

  • Senato della Repubblica


    The Senate of the Italian Republic is the most symbolic Client that Eurel has had and for which we developed and installed the first electronic voting system during the eighties for a National Parliament.

  • Chamber of deputies


    Eurel developed the first system for the Chamber of deputies in 1986 and from that time onwards we have been responsible for the ongoing updating of the system with greater and greater sophisticated technologies.

  • CSM


    The CSM system comprises a small number of seats (only 35). It is however greatly prestigious as it represents an extremely important part of the Judiciary Institution.

  • Assemblea Regionale Siciliana


    Eurel installed the first Electronic Voting System in the ARS Sala d'Ercole in 1989 and has since upgraded the system twice, the last time just recently.

  • Consiglio Regionale della Liguria


    Eurel installed the first Multimedia Integrated System in the Assembly Hall of the Regional Council of Ligura in 1993

  • Consiglio Regionale del Veneto


    Eurel installed the Multimedia Integrated System in the Assembly Hall of the Regional Council of Veneto

  • Consiglio Provinciale di Roma


    Eurel installed the first Multimedia integrated System in 1995 and upgraded it in 2009.

  • Consiglio Provinciale di Arezzo


    Eurel installed the Multimedia Integrated System in 2006

  • Consiglio Provinciale di Bari


    The Multimedia Integrated System we deployed in 2004 made it possible for the Bari Administration to perform orderly and well organized sessions aimed at optimizing their Assembly activities.

  • Comune di Milano


    The City Council of Milan represents the most important Public Administration system that Eurel have installed.

  • Consiglio Comunale di Bologna


    Eurel installed its Electronic Voting System for the first time in 1987 in the Assembly Hall.

  • Consiglio Comunale di Catania


    Eurel installed the Multimedia Integrated System in 1996 and later in 2010 it was fully upgraded bringing its technology up-to-date.

  • Consiglio Comunale di Venezia


    In 1995 Eurel installed a Multimedia Integrated System in the Ca' Loredan Hal.

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