New digital tools have become imperative to worldwide parliamentary activities as electronic voting systems now reach video conferences, go through to streaming sessions even using mobile devices as well.
The results of the latest report issued by the 2016 World e-Parliament Conference, the world summit dedicated to the use of parliamentary assembly technologies, confirm these observations.
According to the data supplied by the survey performed on over a hundred countries, 67% of the Members of Parliament in the world vote via an electronic voting system. The greater part (72%) of Parliamentary Assemblies, still voting by show of hands, are also thinking of adopting this type of system.
Why do Parliaments opt for an electronic voting system?
Those countries that decide to install this type of system in their Parliamentary Halls, do so for the following reasons:
- Cutting down voting fraud
- Speeding up counting of votes, mainly where roll call voting is involved
- Receiving all voting documentation immediately and automatically
- Enhancing transparency in Parliamentary activity environments.
The methods chosen for voting by the various Parliamentary Assemblies also differ. Identity cards (35%) and voting buttons installed directly at the stations of the Parliamentary Members (34%). are the most widespread.
Biometric identity systems, on the other hand, are only used by a minority of Parliaments among which the Italian Chamber of Deputies,who make use of the fingerprint system created by Eurel Informatica S.p.A. sited in Rome.
The report further emphasizes that there is an increase in the use of audio visual systems such as streaming sessions and videoassembly, used by 54% of the Parliaments involved in the survey. Results boards and displays instead are already the greatest number of display systems now used by 67% of Parliaments.
Transparency and participation by citizens further appear to be the the most important issue. It is for this purpose that, apart from open data, broadcasting documents and video online, audio/video recording of the sessions used by 69% of Parliaments is becoming more and more important.
Apart from guaranteeing internet connection, that has now become indispensable during sessions, the report emphasizes that 63% of the Assemblies also offer connection to tablets and smartphones which makes it clear that mobile devices are becoming a tool favoured by Public Administrations as well.
Information Technology is consequently completely transforming the operating methods of national and regional Parliaments all over the world, redefining their way of thinking.
EUREL Informatica is ready to seize the occasion offered by these new requirements to provide the tools required by these Assemblies in order to pursue the path of innovation and transparency.