• streaming video

Open government: the new technological frontiers of the PA

Streaming video and open data to guarantee transaprency and legality

In Italy and Europe you hear more and more people speaking about transparency and Public Administration.

Using video streaming and reporting of Council Sessions, passing through accessing documents online and through PA services, institutions are making use of open government policies exploiting the opportunities offered by Information Technology. This is a tendency that has revolutionized the concept of citizens even at a regulations level.

This is demonstrated by the Italian Digital Agenda that appeared in the current debate in Italy on the reform of the new Digital Administration Code and the recent approval of the text of the Transparency Decree together with the introduction of the FOIA, il Freedom of Information Act in our system.

It is clear that the protagonists of digital transformation are obviously technology and the opportunities it offers, as can be gathered from the new Digital Administration Code that confirms the "right of citizens and companies to make use of information technologies involving all relationships with the Public Administration".

The new challenges of open government have been taken up by a large number of local bodies as well. There are, for example, now hundreds of Town Councils that have opted to ingest the video streaming of Council sessions onto their webs, as they have realised that participating in decisional processes, above all in local environments, is one of the most valid tools to empower relationships with citizens and abide by the criteria of transparency imposed by the new regulations.

Apart from being an excellent tool for a cost-saving institutional communication, video streaming enables broadcasting onto internet by Town Councils, live and on demand, so that citizens, enterprises and journalists are able to fully participate in administrative activities.

Certain technological solutions such as the Integrated Multimedial System of the Eurel Informatica S.p.a., offers adding advanced search of audio/video contents to video streaming functionalities as well, via the search keys for this purpose.

These are essential tools for those who have, like Eurel, chosen to take up the challenge of digital transformation and play the role of protagonists in the project of revolutionizing relationships between citizens and administrations, through an ongoing search for new technological solutions.

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