• Eurel slide 30 years

1986-2016: 30 years dedicated to research and innovation at the service of democracy

Eurel, 30 years dedicated to research and innovation at the service of democracy

2016 is a year to be remembered. Eurel Informatica S.p.a. is celebrating its first 30 years of activities in the field of implementing electronic voting systems as well as solutions involving informatics for Public Administration and in particular for legislative assemblies.

Proud of the targets we have reached along this long path, today Eurel continues with enthusiasm to look forward to the future and seize the opportunities offered by modern opportunities.

Information Technology is a sector in ongoing development and our most important challenge is to ever keep pace in time with this evolution. Eurel Informatica S.p.a. consequently goes on investing in research and innovation, exploring new frontiers in technology, ranging from dematerialization through to wi-fi technology, passing on to cloud solutions and mobile devices, offering them to smaller and larger Parliamentary Assemblies.

After 30 years of activities, Eurel continues to exploit its capacity of imagining the future and foreseeing any new possible information applications for automating Parliamentary and Legislative Assembly activities.

During the mid eighties only a few people believed in the opportunities offered by the application of computerized technologies for activities in Parliamentary Assemblies. And yet, from the time that during the nineties Eurel implemented the first electronic voting systems for the European Parliament, the Company reached the leading role at a European level.

From that time as well, the Italian Parliament has opted for the computerized solutions created by the Eurel team for the Hemicycles of the Italian Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Thanks to the extraordinary results achieved, the Eurel systems have in a short time become the technological standard utilized not only by large-sized hemicycles but in small assemblies as well such as Town Councils, Provinces, Regions and smaller governing bodies.

Today as at that time, Eurel Informatica S.p.a. always aims at improving our performances and the technological standards of our computerized systems more and more, being convinced that thanks to our solid background, it will be easier to continue imagining our future.

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