• chamber_deputies

Electronic voting, the members of the Cahmber of deputies applaud the technical team at Montecitorio

The deputies applauded the technicians managing the Electronic voting system

The Chamber of Deputies applauded the technicians managing the Electronic voting system installed in the Hemicycle of the Italian Parliament.

The thanks were given to the qualified team who everyday ensures technical assistance in using the equipments installed in the Montecitorio Hemicycle. This took place during the session on Tuesday, July 14 during the examination of the bill involving "Reorganizing Public Administrations".

The applause was spontaneous when the Vice Chairman of the Chamber, Simone Baldelli, after having revoked a vote, said: "I apologize to the technicians and besides" he added "I also thank them for the complicated work they perform every day. It allows us to vote with an ongoing continuity. Thank you!"

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