• news digital revolution

The Digital Revolution: what trends are there for governments and local bodies?

Cloud and mobiles for avant garde administrations

Governments and local bodies are in the those of the fourth industrial revolution, characterised by technologies that are boosting the transformation of operating models, individuals and interacting procedures between citizens.

Apart from experimenting automation solutions of internal processes, governmental administrations are in need of modern IT infrastructures to enable them to reply dynamically to the ongoing request for modern services and transparent information.

What are the trends and the key factors of the digital revolution?

According to a survey of the Center for Digital Development, the current technical development is bringing about changes that foretell the transformation of entire production and management systems.

The opportunities offered by this in-depth change will only be exploited by local and central institutions that will be in a position to follow the trends of a digital revolution, such as:

  • Fulfilling the expectations of citizens for the purpose of interacting with the PA. Despite limited budgets, Governments will be obliged to meet the demands of their employees and citizens more and more accustomed to the use of new technologies.
  • Using the Cloud for SaaS solutions. The use of Cloud in the public sector is growing strongly. Applications, infrastructures based on cloud offer a rapid implementation of services, cost saving, scalability and highly efficient performance.
  • Mobiles. The majority of the population today owns a cell phone or a smart phone. The PA expects its own governments to support applications with mobile device, in order to access information and carry out transactions from any place and at any time.
  • Big data and IoT. Governments deal with an enormous volume of data and information. In the future only those institutions that are able to exploit them fully will be able to provide efficient services. Platforms, via which the above services have to be delivered, may be automation and artificial intelligence.
  • The low cost wide band. At the present time costs for connection to wide band have been greatly cut down. This incentive greatly aids the modernisation of the infrastructures, enabling institutions to further invest in cloud services, high speed filing and other solutions that require rapid transfers of large quantities of data.
  • Protection and compliance of data. The public sector is one of the main targets of computerised attacks. This is the reason why data safety and compliance becomes one of the major priorities. Risks as well to new cloud and mobile services are today easily cut down thanks to new applications and customised solutions.

In spite of the drawbacks caused by lengthy red tape periods and reduced budgets, the trends listed provide a base for the governmental system to be prepared for the future thus able to meet the requirements of its citizens and step up the long path of modernisation.

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