  • Console di Presidenza - Senato

Chairman's Console

The Chairman's Console is the main equipment of the Electronic Voting System.

Through the use of the Console, the Chairman has direct control of all the voting steps and has all the information he or she needs for voting operations.

The operating dashboard of the of the Chairman's Console performs many operations, such as:

  • Selecting the type of vote that, apart from open voting , by roll call or secret ballot, a possibility also exists of controlling presences and counting the Members who are requesting qualified votes;

  • Enabling the Assembly Member Finger Print control option via terminal, disabling controls on single terminals otherwise all over the Assembly Hall;

  • Voting open, followed by the Voting Terminals interrogating cycle;

  • Voting closed followed by gathering voting results;

  • Results sent onto the Results Boards and Display Systems;

  • Sending printouts of voting results.

During the vote casting phase, Chairman has all the information he or she needs to ensure that the system is performing well, always having a clear view of its functionalities at hand as well easy-to-read voting result availability. All the details pertinent to the calculation of presences and majorities appear there where the on-going evolution of the quorum is involved, depending as well on whether Members are present or otherwise due to their official duties.

The Chairman's Console is user- friendly and during all the phases of the session, from voting to debating as well as requesting speaking time.

The Console offers a clear vision of all the activities divided into several clear, well-defined pages. It is possible to activate commands with an automatic pilot to avoid any kind of error.

The Console further guarantees a high degree of personalization for the purpose of complying with the current regulations or for those implementations that result from a demands for new requirements.

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